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Tyco The Incredible Crash Dummies Crash'n Bash Chair - Rogue Toys
Tyco The Incredible Crash Dummies Crash'n Bash Chair - Rogue Toys
Tyco The Incredible Crash Dummies Crash'n Bash Chair - Rogue Toys
Tyco The Incredible Crash Dummies Crash'n Bash Chair - Rogue Toys
Tyco The Incredible Crash Dummies Crash'n Bash Chair - Rogue Toys

Tyco The Incredible Crash Dummies Crash'n Bash Chair

Location: Salt Lake City
Condition: New
Year: 90's
Size: 6"
Package Grade:
Figure Grade: Great - Few minor flaws
Accessories: Complete
*Please see picture for exact condition.

Item is new on card, good condition, 4"scale approximately, please see photos for condition 
